
Indicators (i.e. efficiency indicators) convert absolute figures into indicators that are easier to analyse, such as electricity consumption per m2 or waste sorting percentage. Key figures are well suited for monitoring over the years. You can also compare them to other companies or other branches. They are a supplement to the Environmental graph and CO2 graph and enable other types of analyses.

Edit the display

Tip: The copy button at the top left of the table lets you export the table and easily copy it into Excel/spreadsheet or a report.
Note: It might occur that you miss key figures in the benchmark column. That column only displays the key figures that are relevant to the industry. For instance: The elektricity per employee is unrelevant for Care organizations, because the electricity usage is not dependent on the amount of employees, but rather on the amount of clients or floor area.

Link goals to key figures

You can link targets to key figures.

Tip: Are you viewing a key figure with a goal graph? Use the pivot table button to choose for the horizontal table lay-out.