
There are two types of graphs available: The Environmental graph and the CO2 graph. Select the Environmental graph to view the total environmental impact (CO2, NOx, methane, hydrocarbons, particulate matter, waste, etc.). Want to focus on your CO2 impact? Select the CO2 graph.

Note: Waste is not shown in the CO2 graph. Go to the help per theme for waste for more information.

The graphs show the following:

You can edit the graphs in various ways and download them. Read more below.

Edit the display

The following functions let you customize your graph:

Tip: At the top of the page, a warning will appear if the ‘selected year’ (see green toolbar) does not fall within your selected time window. Change your time window if you also want to have the current year shown in the graph.

Copy years

You can copy a year if, for example, you want to:

Copying a year means that the data entered for that year is entered into a new year or a variant of a year. When copying, you can define the specific data to be copied. You can copy a year via manage Envirometers.

A primary year will always be shown in a time window together with the other years in the graph. A copied year can only be viewed if you select the specific copied year in your Envirometer and will be shown as a ‘real’ year in addition to the other years, including the primary year. All ‘real’ years will be shown in a lighter shade in the graph to make clear that you are working with a copied year. An example is shown in the image below.

Download graphs

The grey arrow at the top left of every graph can be used to download that graph. There are numerous options available:

Tip: Is the progress bar stalled while downloading? You are probably using a pop-up blocker. Search at the top or bottom of your browser for the pop-up blocker message (a discrete icon in the address bar in Chrome). Enable pop-ups and click once again on ‘create report’.