Themes and indicators
You can divide and adjust the target dashboard by adding different headings. Subsequently arrange your indicators to match the right themes.
Which and how many themes and indicators?
Consider the themes and indicators that are imporatant to your organization:
- Which themes need extra attention (are not going according to plan at the moment)?
- Which indicators are important to follow (even though they are going well at the moment)?
- What do employees, clients, customers or neighbours consider to be important?
Considering the number:
- Choose all themes and indicators that fit you and your organization.
- If applicable, also choose indicators that are simmilar to something you would like to add. You can easily remove these easily later on.
- The next step is to remove, adjust and rearrange your themes and indicators.
- We advise you to end up with 3 to 7 themes and 5 to 20 indicators.