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Science Based Targets (SBTi)

Calculate your company’s carbon footprint, set your reduction targets and report annually on progress using clear data visuals.

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a global body enabling businesses to set ambitious emissions reduction targets in line with the latest climate science and the Paris Climate Agreement, i.e. limiting global warming to no more than the 1.5°C.

The Envirometer helps you measure and report your emissions should you want to commit to the SBTi. Participating companies and organisations report annually on their progress towards achieving their science-based targets.

The Envirometer helps you with the following aspects of science-based targets:

Calculate your carbon footprint in the base year

You determine the carbon footprint for the base year in accordance with the GHG standards.

These are the steps you need to take:

Generate your carbon footprint table

Once you have entered all your energy data, the carbon footprint is displayed according to the scope classification used by the GHG Protocol.

Visualise your targets

An example of a science-based target is cutting emissions by 50% by 2030 compared to the base year 2018. You then evaluate annually whether your emissions are moving in the right direction.

Goal-line charts with traffic light colours

The Envirometer displays your reduction target in a ‘goal-line chart’. Your score compared to the target will appear for every year you enter your energy data.

Publish your results annually

The Envirometer offers several options to publish your progress:


Get started with the Envirometer

Want to get started immediately? No problem! Take out a subscription today and get started by filling in your details.

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Practical and clear! The Envirometer is a fantastic tool for achieving all your climate targets.
Marianne van Keep, Verstegen Spices & Sauces B.V.

Frequently asked questions

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What should a large company take into account?

Large companies (> 500 FTE) must also measure their total scope 3 emissions, set a target for them, and report on their progress. For a scope 3 analysis, the Stimular Foundation offers additional support.

Learn more about all components of SBTi on the Science Based Targets initiative website.